Present Perfect Continuous

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Тариф "Недельный завал"

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1.      – What are you doing?

                 – I'm repairing my son's bicycle. I (do) it for two hours.


2.      I'll call for an ambulance. She (get) weaker and weaker since she had breakfast.


3.      Hurry up, John. I'm waiting for you. You (have a bath) for an hour.


4.      Who is that man standing on the comer? He (stand) there for the last half an hour.


5.      Where is Dad? I (wait) for him since 6 p.m. We are going to be late to the concert.


6.      I can't stand it any more. Those people (quarrel) since breakfast.


7.      – Jim works as a sales manager.

                – Really?

                – He (sell) washing machines for three months.


8.      Dora is playing the piano. She (play) the piano since I came.


9.      Aren't you going to tell me what (you / do) in my absence?


10.  How long you (sit) here?


11.  Michael, I (try) to get you all day!


12.  I'll go and wash my eyes. I don't want my husband to see I (cry).


13.  The amount of crime (increase) for the last ten years and we can't stop this process.


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Тариф "Недельный завал"

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