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          Christmas is the year’s most celebrated holiday. It is cele­brated on December 25th by Catholic Church and on January 7th by Orthodox Church. The meaning of Christmas is to re­cognize Christ’s birth, of which the exact date is not known. During the fourth century the Bishop of Rome set December 25th as Christ’s birth date. Some authorities claim that the choice of December 25th was made because it coincided with Chanukah, Mithraic’s feast of the sun god, and the people of northern Europe’s winter solstice feast. The winter solstice is the time of year in the Northern Hemisphere when the noon sun appears to be farthest south.

         The Saturnalia was celebrated for seven days, during the period of time when the winter solstice occurred. During this time, slaves were given freedom, gifts were exchanged, and banquets prevailed.

          Holiday evergreens, the symbol of eternal life, have long been used for Christmas time decorations. The Christmas wreath represents everlasting life and God’s endless love for us. Kissing under mistletoe supposedly started out when enemies stopped fighting when they met under mistletoe. Holly is the most known Christmas greenery, and there are several legends about it, one is that Jesus’ crown was made of holly, and the holly berries represented his blood.






1. What is the meaning of Christmas?

2. When was Christ’s birth date set?

3. When was the Saturnalia celebrated?

4. What does the Christmas wreath represent?

5. Why is Holly the most known Christmas greenery?




to coincide — совпадать

solstice — солнцестояние

feast— праздник

to occur— случаться, происходить

evergreen — вечно зеленое дерево

eternal, everlasting — вечный

wreath— венок

mistletoe— омела (в Англии традиционное украшение дома на Рождество)

supposedly — предположительно

berry — ягода

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