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Тариф "Недельный завал"

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Цена: 100 руб.
100 руб.

          Cinema plays an important role in the life of any society. It is an available popular form of art. Lots of people find going to the cinema one of the best ways of spending their leisure time. The movie audience is predominantly a young one.

          Due to numerous video facilities, cinema attendances have declined sharply. But there is no denying the fact that the ci­nema-going habit is still a strong one.

           No matter how large the place you live in is (whether it’s a big city or a small provincial town, or even a settlement) there’s most likely to be a cinema there.

           There are such genres of feature films as the western, the thriller, the musical, the drama and the comedy. The perfor­mance lasts for two or three hours and most cinemas have at least 4 performances a day. There is no doubt that a good ci­nema show is an excellent entertainment and quite cheap. Of late cinema screens in this country have been dominated by films produced in the USA. And this tendency is growing.

           As for me, I’m fond of going to the cinema. It’s a pity, I dоn’t always have time for it. It’s an open secret that we live in-лvery difficult time now. But people do need something amusing and pleasant, something to laugh at. That’s why I give my preference to comedies. The last comedy, I saw, is «Croco­dile Dandy». The film tells about amusing adventures of a young lovely woman — reporter and a strong and brave croco­dile hunter. At first, their relations were not friendly. She even looked down on him and he in return neglected her. But after he rescued her out of some difficult situations, their relations became more friendly. A happy end is an essential feature of American films. The same is true of this comedy. The main characters fall in love with each other in the end of the film.






1. How do lots of people find going to the cinema?

2. Who makes up the movie audience?

3. Why have cinema attendances declined sharply?

4. Is the cinema-going habit still a strong one?

5. What genres of feature films are there?

6. How many performances have many cinemas a day?

7. What films have cinema screens in this country been dominated by?

8. Are you fond of going to the cinema?

9. In what time do we live now?

10. What do yоu give your preference to?

11. What does the film you saw last tell?

12. What is an essential feature of American films?





to spend one’s leisure time — проводить свое свободное время

movie audience — киноаудитория, кинозрители

predominantly — по преимуществу, главным образом

video facilities — видео-салон

to emerge — появляться, возникать

cinema-going habit — привычка ходить в кино

a settlement — поселок

adventures — приключения

grown-ups — взрослые

not without pleasure — не без удовольствия

to include — включать

feature film — художественный фильм

genre — жанр

western — вестерн

thriller — триллер

performance — сеанс

entertainment — развлечение

cinema screens — киноэкран

to dominate — превалировать, занимать ведущее место

to be fond of — любить что-либо, нравиться кому-либо

it’sapity — жаль, к сожалению   

it’s an open secret — ни для кого не секрет, что…

to give preference to smth. — отдавать предпочтение чему-либо

amusing adventures — забавные приключения

woman-reporter — женщина-репортер

hunter — охотник

to look down on smb. — смотреть свысока, презирать кого-либо

to rescue smb. out of smth. — спасти кого-либо

an essential feature — важная черта

 to fall in love with each other — влюбиться

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Тариф "Недельный завал"

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Цена: 100 руб.
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