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           At Fifth Avenue and 34th Street stands New York City’s most famous building — starred in over 90 movies, a star of gigantic proportions — The Empire State Building.

         Having held the record as the world’s tallest skyscraper for 40 years — the symbol of this city was constructed in only two years — 1930 to 31 and the 1,453 feet colossus instantly became a tourist magnet. Even King Kong came to visit! If you want to see a great panorama of New York city, get upstairs to the observation levels. Lines get pretty long, especially during summer and the holidays, but you can fit a trip here any time, the place is open from 9:30 a.m. until midnight every day.





  1. What is the most famous building of New York City?
  2. When was the symbol of New York constructed?
  3. When is the Empire State Building open?





to star — играть главную роль

skyscraper — небоскреб

to construct — строить, сооружать

colossus — колосс

instantly — немедленно

line — очередь

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Тариф "Недельный завал"

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