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Тариф "Недельный завал"

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              I am a pupil of the eleventh form. This year I am going to leave school. My school is a four-storeyed building. When you are going through the school yard you can see poplar trees and beautiful flowers. To the left from the school building, there is a big sports ground, which is divided into our football field, two basketball fields and sports ground itself. When the wea­ther is fine, we have our classes in physical training here. When you come into school, you find yourself in a large hall. On the ground floor there are some classrooms of primary school, our canteen. On the first floor there are two gyms, school library, classrooms, the assembly hall, the teacher’s room. On the walls of the corridors you can see the portraits of famous writers, poets, scientists and our school newspaper. It is written by pu­pils of our school and has a lot of interesting things to read. I learn different subjects at school: Russian, English, Ukraini­an, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Geography, History and oth­ers. My favourite subjects are English and Astronomy. I am fond of these subjects. I also like Literature. I am good at these subjects and usually get good marks. I work hard at the En­glish lessons: read and translate texts, make up dialogues; do many exercises, but best of all I like different tests to reveal my possibilities and gaps in knowledge. I am fond of English grammar, because on the example of English Grammar you see another perception of the World other people do. But I am poor in Chemistry. I always failed to learn chemical formulas and terms properly. I like my class; everybody is so friendly, easy to get along with. I like my classmates. We are all good friends.





1. Am I a pupil of the seventh form?

2. Am I going to the next form or to leave school next year?

3. How many storeys does our school have?

4. Has our school got a sports ground?

5. Are there basketball fields at the sportsground?

6. What is situated on the ground floor?

7. What is situated on the first floor?

8. What subjects do I learn in school?

9. What subjects are my favourite?

10. Do I like my classmates?





to leave (past left, p.p. left) school — заканчивать школу

to go (past went, p.p. gone) through —  проходить через

school yard — школьный двор

poplar — тополь

primary school — начальная школа

canteen — столовая

gym — сокр. гимнастический зал

assembly hall — актовый зал

teacher’s room — учительская

portrait — портрет

subject — предмет

Maths — математика

to be fond of — увлекаться ч-л.

to translate — переводить

to make (past made, p.p. made) up dialogues — разговаривать, составлять диалоги

to reveal — выявлять, находить

gap — пробел

perception — понимание, постижение

to be poor in — быть слабым в

properly - должным образом

to get (past got. p.p. got) along with — ладить с кем-л.

classmate — одноклассник

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Тариф "Недельный завал"

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Цена: 100 руб.
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