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            The London National Gallery is situated on the north side of Trafalgar Square which is famous for its monument to Ad­miral Nelson, its fountains and pigeons. The gallery is a long, low building in classic style and it contains Britain’s best- known collection of pictures. The collection was begun in 1824. The National Gallery is rich in paintings by Italian masters such as Raphael, and it contains pictures of all European schools of art such as works by Rembrandt, Rubens, Van Dyck, Murillio, El Greco, and nineteenth century French masters. Admission to the Gallery is free as well as other British Na­tional Galleries and museums, which are maintained by mo­ney voted by Parliament.

              Just behind the National Gallery stands the National Por­trait Gallery, in which the visitor can see portraits of British monarchs since the reign of Richard II (1377-1399), and of historical celebrities such as Shakespeare and Cornwell.

              The National Gallery of British Art, better known as the Tate Gallery, was given to the nation by a rich sugar merchant, Sir Henry Tate, who had a taste for thé fine arts. It overlooks the Thames, not far from the Houses of Parliament. English artists are naturally well represented here, and in the muse­um there is also a range of modern works, including some sculp­tures by foreign artists. This, of all the London galleries, is the young people’s gallery. It has been stated that three-quarters of its visitors are under twenty-five.

               The Wallace collection at Herdford House was formed by Lord Herdford and his half-brother, Sir Richard Wallace. There is a very fine display of weapons and amour, of pottery and sculpture here.

               On a summer day, a visit to Kenwood House in Kenwood is worth while it contains a small collection of paintings. After­wards, one can go out and stroll by the lily-pond and then en­ter the little wood that surrounds it. Kenwood House is main­tained by the Greater London Council.






1. Where is the London National Gallery situated?

2.  What kind of pictures does the National Gallery contain?

3.  When was the collection begun?

4.  Why is the admission to the Gallery free?

5.  What can a visitor see in the National Portrait Gallery?

6.   Who gave the National Gallery of British Art to the na­tion?

7.   What is there in the Wallace collection at Herdford House?

8.   What does Kenwood House contain?






pigeon — голубь

painting — картина

admission — вход

to maintain — содержать, поддерживать

to reign — править

celebrity — знаменитость

merchant — торговец, купец

fine arts — изобразительные искусства

weapons — оружие

amour — доспехи

pottery — керамика

to stroll — прогуливаться

to surround — окружать

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