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         Maslenitza is one of the most favourite holidays in our country. It lasts from Monday till Sunday. It comes either at the end of February or at the beginning of March, this is so- called movable festival. In 2002, Maslenitza took place in March (from 3d up to 9th). This holiday means the end of win­ter and the spring coming. It has pagan origin. During this holiday people visit each other, children play snowballs, light bonfires, enjoy horse-sledging. During these days people should avoid eating any kind of meat, but they are to eat much butter, cheese, sour cream, lots of pancakes. Lent follows Maslenitza, it is the strictest and long holiday, it lasts 7 weeks. During these weeks people avoid eating fat meals, meat and there are few entertainments. People must work hard, pray and clean their soul.





1.  What is Maslenitza?

2.  How long does it last?

3.  What does this festival mean?

4.  What do people do during this holiday?





Maslenitza — Масленица

to last — длиться

so-called movable festival — так называемый праздник непостоянной даты

to mean (past meant, p.p. meant) — значить, означать

pagan origin — языческое происхождение

to play snowballs — играть в снежки

to light — жечь, поджигать

bonfire — костер

to enjoy horse-sledging — кататься на санях, запряжен­ных лошадьми

to avoid — избегать

sour cream— сметана

pancakes— блины

Lent— Великий пост

to follow — следовать

entertainments — развлечения

to pray — молиться

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Тариф "Недельный завал"

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Цена: 100 руб.
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