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Тариф "Недельный завал"

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        As soon as I wake up I open the bedroom window and breathe in some fresh air. Then I go to have a shower. I start with a warm shower and then I turn the water onto cold and for a few seconds I have a really cold shower and let the water run over me. It reallywakes you up.

        After that I do a few exercises. I think it’s really impor­tant to do this, because it makes your body feel good and keep the muscles firm; I usually exercise my stomach muscles and my leg muscles. Then I go and have my breakfast. I really be­lieve that it’s important to have really good breakfast. I don’t think you should just have a cup of .tea, like most of the girls do. Anyway, I have orange juice, an egg and some biscuits.

       After breakfast I go to work. I work as a model, sol like my job, because it’s very interesting and. I travel a lot. I usually go to work by taxi. It starts at about 10 o’clock. I work for about 5 hours with the photographer and he takes a lot of pic­tures. Such pictures are used in women’s weekly magazines. I finish work at about four, so you can see that I only work from about 10 till 4 and then I go home. At home I have a bath, change myclothes and watch TV.Every night I usually go out. I can’t cook very well, so I like to eat out.

       Well, you can see that I have a good life and I have a good wages when you think about the number of hours I work.





1.  When do you get up?

2.  What do you have for breakfast?

3.  At what time do you start to work?

4.  What dо you do at night?

5.  Do you like to eat out?         





shower — душ

muscles — мускулы

stomach — желудок

body — тело

wages — зарплата

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Тариф "Недельный завал"

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Цена: 100 руб.
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