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        Nowadays USA is world’s third-largest country by size (af­ter Russia and Canada) and by population (after China and India). The total territory of the USA is 9,630,000 sq km. It is about half the size of Russia or lightly larger than China or Brazil. The USA has borders with Canada, Mexico and Rus­sian Federation. The lowest point is Death Valley — 86 m and the highest one is Mount McKinley 6,194 m.

       By July 2002, the population of the USA was about 280,565,000. The largest US river is the Mississippi River.

      It is a multicultural and multinational country. As to reli­gion there are 56% of Protestants, 28% of Catholics and 2% of Jews. Ethnic groups include white 77%, black 13%, Asian 4.5%.

     It is a federal republic with strong democratic traditions. The capital of the US is Washington, DC. The country includes 50 states and 1 district plus dependent areas as: Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, etc.

       Independence Day is celebrated on 4 July (from Great Bri­tain). Constitution Day is 17 September, which was approved in 1787.

      The chief of state is President George W. BUSH (since 20 January 2001) and Vice President Richard B. Cheney (since 20 January 2001); note — the president is both the chief of state and head of government.

        There are three political parties in the USA. They are Demo­cratic Party, Green Party and Republican Party. Do you know that among American people, the Democratic Party is associ­ated with mother (mom) and Republican Party is associated with dad (father)? It is a very interesting fact.

       The currency of the USA is US dollar.





  1. Is the USA the largest country in the world?
  2. What is the total territory of the USA?
  3. What is the lowest point of the USA?
  4. What is the highest point of the USA?
  5. How many people live in the USA today?
  6. What city is the capital of the USA?
  7. How many states are there in the USA?
  8. When do they celebrate their Independence Day?
  9. Who is the chief of state?
  10. How many political parties are there in the USA?
  11. What is the currency of the USA?





dependent — зависимый

border — граница

to approve — одобрять, утверждать

currency — валюта

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