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             Environmental protection is an international issue of great importance and Great Britain pays much attention to it. There are nearly 500 000 protected buildings and 7000 conservation areas of architecture of historical interest in Britain. The Go­vernment supports the work of the voluntary sector in pre­serving the national heritage.

             Total emissions of smoke in the air have fallen by 85 per cent since 1960. Most petrol stations in Britain stock unlea­ded petrol. The Government is committed to the control of ga­ses emission, which damage the ozone layer. They also con­tribute to the greenhouse effect, which leads to global warming and a rise in sea levels. Britain stresses the need for studying the science of climate change.

             Green belts are areas where land should be left open and free from urban sprawl. The Government attaches great im­portance to their protection. National parks cover 9 per cent of the total land area of England and Wales. The National Ri­vers Authority protects island waters in England and Wales. In Scotland the River purification authorities are responsible for water pollution control. Great Britain takes care of its en­vironment for themselves and next generations.





1. What is an international issue of great importance?

2. What are green belts?

3. Who is responsible for water pollution control in Scot­land?

4. What is the total emission of smoke in the air?

5. Is it easy to buy unleaded petrol in Britain?




purification — очистка

voluntary — добровольный

petrol — бензин

emission — выброс

layer — слой

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