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      European discovery and exploration of the San Francisco Bay area and its islands began in 1542. In 1579, Sir Francis Drake and his crew arrived in Golden Hind and spent five weeks repairing the ship and meeting with the natives. The Spanish found the entrance to the bay in 1769, and by 1776, the first colonizing party arrived to found the San Francisco and Mis­sion Dolores.

      In 1869, the first train arrived in San Francisco and in 1870 San Francisco became the tenth largest city in the United States. A large Chinese population of labourers recruited in the 1840s and 1850’s settled there. Irish immigrants settled into the Mission area and French, Italian, German, Russian, Australian, Jewish and many other nationalities contributed to the city’s development and growing.

     San Francisco was a tiny settlement before the Gold Rush of 1849. The Gold Rush brought wild crowds of people to the city and surroundings.

     After the rush was over, many prospectors returned from the gold fields and settled in the city, realizing that fortunes could be made just as well there. Mercantile establishments, small industries, and shipping to the Orient brought prospe­rity to the newcomers. San Francisco attracted a colourful ar­ray of characters. Famous writers such as Jack London and Mark Twain were there.

      The 1906 Earthquake and fire devastated the city. But with its spirit, the city rebuilt itself—into a grander city than even before. And it was no surprise that there is the Golden Gate Bridge—one of the world’s longest suspension bridges — over icy-cold, shark infested bay. It has the highest bridge towers ever made.

      San Francisco hosts over 16 million people every year. Eve­ryone knows about the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz and Chi­natown.

      San Francisco is a popular location any time of the year. Summer is the prime tourist season, so prices are higher, lines are longer. One can go to most of the popular destinations: Union Square, North Beach, Chinatown, Ghirardelli Square and the Financial District.





  1. When did European discovery and exploration of the area begin?
  2. When did the first colonizing party arrive to found San Francisco?
  3. When did the first train arrive in San Francisco?
  4. Is it a multinational city?
  5. Was it a big city before the Gold Rush?
  6. What was the main reason and historical event that made San Francisco to become a big city?
  7. What devastated the city in the 1906?
  8. What is the main sightseeing of the city?
  9. How many people visit San Francisco every year?





discovery — обнаружение, открытие

exploration — изучение, исследование

bay — бухта, залив

crew — судовая команда; экипаж (судна)

to arrive — прибывать; достигать (чего-л.)

to repair — ремонтировать; чинить

entrance — вход

labourer — неквалифицированный рабочий; чернора­бочий

to found — основать, учреждать

to recruit — нанимать (людей на работу); набирать

to settle — поселить(ся), обосноваться; населять, засе­лять (какой-л. район)

Jewish — еврейский

to contribute — вносить вклад (в науку, литературу и т. п.)

development — развитие, рост; эволюция

to grow (past grew, p.p. grown) — расти, разрастаться, увеличиваться

tiny — очень маленький, крошечный

settlement  —  колония, поселение, небольшой поселок

the Gold Rush  — золотая лихорадка

to bring (brought) — приносить

surroundings — окрестности

prospector — разведчик, изыскатель; старатель, золото­искатель

fortune — богатство, состояние; счастье

mercantile — торговый; коммерческий

the Orient — восток; восточные земли

prosperity — преуспевание, процветание

array — группа людей, множество, массив

earthquake — землетрясение

to devastate — разрушать, опустошать, разорять

the Golden Gate Bridge — мост Золотые Ворота

suspension bridge — подвесной мост

shark infested bay — кишащий акулами залив

to host — принимать гостей

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