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         Americans play tennis, hockey and most other internatio­nal sports but they do not play football in the same way as the rest of the world. The players can run with the ball, touch and push each other. Players wear special clothes for American football with helmets on their heads, because the game can be dangerous. Like international football teams, American teams have eleven players. The field looks different and even the ball is a different shape. American football is very different game.

        Americans love winter sports and ice hockey is the most popular game. This game is very fast and can be dangerous.

         Basketball is another popular game in America. Only five people are in each team.

         Baseball is the most popular summer sport in America. The first American baseball match was in 1839 in New York. To play baseball you need two teams of nine players. Americans start playing baseball young. There tire «leagues» which chil­dren of eight can join. The top players become big stars and earn a lot of money every year.






1. Describe the way Americans play football;

2. Do Americans love winter sports?

3. How many people are there in a basketball team?

4. When did American baseball match first take place?

5. What do you need to play baseball?





to push — толкать

helmet — шлем

shape — форма

league — лига

to earn — зарабатывать

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