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              The Queen is officially head of all the branches of govern­ment, but she has little direct power in the country. The con­stitution has three branches: Parliament, which makes laws, the government, which «executes» laws (puts them into effeсt) and the courts, which interpret laws. Parliament has two parts: the House of Commons and the House of Lords. Mem­bers of the House of Commons are elected by the voters of 6S0 constituencies. They are known as Members of Parliament. The Prime Minister is advised by a Cabinet of about twenty other ministers.

              The Prime Minister, or leader of the Government, is usu­ally the leader of the political party. The Cabinet includes the ministers in charge of major government departments or min­istries. Departments and ministries are run by civil servants, who are permanent officials. Even if the Government changes after an election, the same civil servants are employed. Mem­bers of the House of Lords are not elected. About 70 per cent of them are «hereditary peers» because their fathers were peers before them. 30 per cent are officially appointed by the Queen, on the advice of the Government, for various servi­ces for people.






1.  Who is the head of government in Britain?

2.  How many parts does Parliament have?

3.   What are they?

4.   Who is the leader of political party?

5.   What can you tell about the House of Lords?






to execute — исполнять

to interpret — толковать

hereditary — наследственный

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