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        Thomas Jefferson is one of the American Presidents. Tho­mas Jefferson was one of the founding fathers of this nation. Jefferson strongly believed in a democratic form of govern­ment.

        He was born in Virginia in 1743. When he was 14 years old, his father died and the young boy was left to choose for himself what to do. Jefferson studied literature and languages. Неalso studied to be a lawyer, and later he wrote many of the Virginia laws. One of the laws for which he worked very much was a law to allow many children to go to school for free. Schools in America were only for the children whose parents were rich. When Jefferson was still a young man he was one of those who wanted freedom from England.

       In 1790, Thomas Jefferson initially established himself in political affairs under President Washington’s Cabinet as the first secretary of state. Much time was spent abroad.

       His most outstanding achievement was as chief author of the Declaration of Independence, the statement of human rights and liberties. Its proclamation was on the 4th of July, 1776. Jefferson also drew up the Constitution for his state Virginia and served as its governor. He was sent to France as the foreign minister of the United States of America and af­terwards was President’s George Washington secretary of state. A few years later he became the country’s third presi­dent, serving in this position for 2 terms. The author of the Declaration of Independence did another important thing for the American people. He worked out a plan for a university where the students and teachers could live and work together in a settlement built for them. It was one of the first schools to teach science. Today, it is the University of Virginia. This well- known man was also a self-taught architect. He designed the Virginia State Capital Building. He also designed his own home; he remained the most influential architect of his time. Thomas Jefferson did many useful things during his lifetime and he always thought of how to help ordinary people. He was a practical and theoretical scientist too. Jefferson’s best tra­ditions have been kept up by American progressive people in their struggle for peace and democracy.





  1. What is Thomas Jefferson known for?
  2. Did he believe in a democratic form of government?
  3. Where was Thomas Jefferson born?
  4. When was Thomas Jefferson born?
  5. What did Jefferson study?
  6. When did Jefferson initially establish himself in politi­cal affairs?
  7. What was his most outstanding achievement?
  8. Who drew tip the Constitution for the state Virginia?
  9. Did Thomas Jefferson like architecture?




founding fathers — отцы-основатели

to believe — верить; придавать большое значение

Virginia — штат Виргиния, Вирджиния

to choose (past chose, p.p. chosen) — выбирать, избирать;

lawyer — юрист; адвокат

to allow — позволять, разрешать; предоставлять, давать возможность

for free — бесплатно

initially — в начальной стадий, в начале; в исходном по­ложении

to spend (spent) — проводить (о времени)

outstanding — выдающийся; знаменитый, известный, видный

achievement— достижение, успех (в чем-л.)

statement — заявление, утверждение

proclamation — декларация; провозглашение, объявле­ние, обнародование; воззвание, прокламация

to draw (drew, drawn) up — составлять (документ)

governor — губернатор, правитель

afterwards — впоследствии, позднее, позже, после, потом

the Declaration of Independence — Декларация Незави­симости

settlement — поселение

self-taught architect — архитектор-самоучка

to design — придумывать, разрабатывать

to remain — оставаться

influential — влиятельный, важный; обладающий вла­стью, влиянием

ordinary — обычный, обыкновенный; простой; повсе­дневный

struggle — борьба, битва


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